Meet the Coordinating Committee

1337b48c1Our Coordinating Committee serves as a communication hub for City of Lakes Waldorf School’s governing bodies. The Committee is made up of individuals who have taken on leadership roles for the duration of the school year and represent the Parent Association, Board of Trustees, College of Teachers and School Administration.

Membership this year includes Sara Chovan (PA Governance Representative and Co-Chair), Meg Paschall (Board Chair), Marcee Hansen (College Facilitator), Jason Burstein (College Governance Representative) and Marti Stewart, School Administrator.

This group works to coordinate school wide activities and to enhance communication across the various decision-making groups in service to the mission of the school. Committee members share information, delegate actions and funnel questions and concerns to the appropriate governing body to ensure timely responses. All members of the Coordinating Committee are excellent resources for parents with or questions about, or suggestions for, City of Lakes Waldorf School. To contact the Coordinating Committee, write or call our School Administrator, Marti Stewart at or 612.767.1501.