Fifth Grade Skills

By: Darcie Steeves, Grade 5 Teacher
The skills listed below are introduced, reviewed or mastered during the fifth grade year at our school.  I thought this would be useful in preparation for 6th grade.
  • mastery of reading and writing in cursive
  • working knowledge of all nine parts of speech
  • ability to distinguish between direct and indirect speech
  • ability to distinguish between active and passive voice
  • understand and write a friendly personal letter with correct format
  • working knowledge of perfect verb tenses
  • ability to use a wide range of reference materials – atlas, dictionary, glossary, encyclopedia
  • mastery of writing a paragraph with a topic sentence
  • understand and write a three part essay on a theme with support from teacher
  • mastery of four operations with fractions, including mixed numbers and improper fractions
  • working knowledge of four operations with decimals
  • familiarity with the relationship between fractions and decimals
  • master of times tables in random order up to 12
  • working knowledge of the basic geometry of circles and triangles, including types of triangles (i.e., right, isosceles, equilateral and scalene)